
About my research

I am a UK-based social science researcher focusing on society and climate change, mainly:

> communication and public engagement
> the creative/arts and culture sector
> social transformation across different sectors and scales

I am keen on interdisciplinary working and have also worked on broader social topics. See more about my main areas of focus and my publications below.

I have worked across freelance, organisational and academic research roles. This has included Climate Outreach and the Centre for Climate Change and Social Transformations (CAST) at Cardiff University, where I recently completed a PhD. I am part of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research and have previously worked for the University of Oxford and Heriot-Watt University.

Let's work together

I'm available for freelance/consultancy work and open to collaborations.

Get in touch via the contact form

Main areas of focus

Public engagement and communication

Much of my work focuses on climate change communication and public engagement - how to better connect with and involve a wide range of people, particularly those who are not usually part of the climate conversation.

This includes how to involve older people in the climate conversation and a co-design project with older people about how to create inclusive, age-friendly and climate resilient cities and communities.

At the other end of the age range, this has included research about young people and climate justice. I have also explored what different segments of the UK public think about COP26, the climate change conference held in Glasgow.

Arts, culture and sport

Originally from a creative background, several of my projects have explored climate change through a creative lens or relate to the arts & culture sector.

This includes working with the live music industry to provide recommendations and practical case studies for how to engage their audiences on sustainable travel choices at events. I have also explored how music artists can engage with their audiences about climate change.

Additionally, I have researched how arts and culture events can engage people with climate change and the extent to which this impacts audiences. Outside of events, I have also explored diversity in photographs of outdoor activities.

Some of my work also focuses on sport. In a voluntary capacity for the Welsh Fell Runners Association (WFRA), I have published climate and environmental guidance and set up their Environment Awards. I have also been a guest on the Athlete Climate Academy podcast.

Social transformation across different sectors and scales

My work looks at climate action in different sectors and at varying scales to transform society.

For my PhD, I worked on a large project about universities' responses to the climate crisis, focusing on their climate emergency declarations and culture and practices within the institutions, particularly around researchers' engagement in climate action.

I am also working on projects about a car-free living experiment to reduce car use, decarbonisation policy in Wales, and the influence that hairdressers can have on climate and sustainability action with clients.

Selected reports, articles & more


Engaging live music audiences on climate change through travel campaigns: case studies for the live music industry
Corner, A. and Latter, B. (2024)

Healthy Ageing in a Changing Climate: Creating Inclusive, Age-Friendly, and Climate Resilient Cities and Communities in the UK
Woolrych, R., Haq, G. and Latter, B. (2023)

From carbon footprints to cultural influence: Engaging live music audiences on travel choices
Corner, A., Latter, B. and Badiali, C. (2022) Julie's Bicycle.

Communicating climate justice with young adults in Europe
Gellatly, J., Webster, R., Sawas, R., Kaoukji, D., Sanderson, B., Wang, S., Latter, B., Shaw, C., Chapman, D. and Titlestad, K. (2022) Oxford: Climate Outreach

Can cultural events catalyse engagement with climate change? A Season for Change case study
Latter, B. and Corner, A. (2021)

Nature Visuals: Diversity in images of England’s green and natural spaces
Smith, T., Chapman, D., Wang, S., Larkin, J. and Latter, B (2021). Natural England Commissioned Reports

Britain Talks COP26: New insights on what the UK public want from the climate summit
Wang, S., Latter, B., Nicholls, J., Sawas, A. and Shaw, C. (2021) Oxford: Climate Outreach

How does the framing of climate change affect the conclusions reached in climate assemblies?
Shaw, C., Wang, S. and Latter, B. (2021)

Peer-reviewed journal articles (free to access)

Wanting to be part of change but feeling overworked and disempowered: Researchers’ perceptions of climate action in UK universities
Latter, B., Demski, C. and Capstick, S. (2024) PLOS Climate

Comparing coronavirus (COVID-19) and climate change perceptions: Implications for support for individual and collective- level policies
Poortinga, W., Latter, B. and Wang, S. (2022) Frontiers in Psychology

Climate Change Communication and Engagement With Older People in England
Latter, B. (2022) Frontiers in Communication

Climate Emergency: UK Universities' Declarations and Their Role in Responding to Climate Change
Latter, B. and Capstick, S. (2021) Frontiers in Sustainability

Briefing papers

How Wales can speed up decarbonisation: Insights from transport and mobility, food and agriculture, and the circular and sharing economy
Thorman, D., Latter, B., Zuckerbrod, S., Capstick, S. (2024) CAST Briefing 31 

Academic researchers’ perceptions of climate action in UK universities
Latter, B., Demski, C., Capstick, S. (2024) CAST Briefing 22

Public perceptions towards policing and safety in the UK
Latter, B. (2022) Part of Holding our own: messaging guide (non-policing solutions to ‘serious youth violence'). Liberty and NEON

Public perceptions of the financial services industry and its regulation in the UK
Latter, B. (2022) Part of How to talk about finance industry reform: A messaging guide. The Finance Innovation Lab and NEON

Public perceptions of the ‘cost of living crisis’ in the UK
Latter, B. (2022) Part of The Cost of Living Scandal: A Messaging Guide. NEON.


Climate change and environmental action in fell running (The Fellrunner magazine - print only)

Climate change: university researchers feel powerless to take action – survey (news article on The Conversation)

Guest episode on the Athlete Climate Academy podcast by Huw James and Kilian Jornet


A new resource to help live music events engage their audiences with sustainable travel
Centre for Climate Change and Social Transformations (CAST)

Engaging older people with climate change – a largely forgotten but key demographic
Climate Outreach

The IPCC’s message is clear: social transformation, not a technofix, is needed to tackle climate change
Whitmarsh, L., Capstick, S., Graham, H., Hoolohan, C., Latter, B., Minas, A., Verfuerth, C., Thorman, D., Wilson, C. – Centre for Climate Change and Social Transformations (CAST)

Climate emergency declarations: what do they tell us about universities response to climate change?
Centre for Climate Change and Social Transformations (CAST) - re-published from the original article

Climate emergency declarations: what do they tell us about universities response to climate change?
Place-Based Climate Action Network (PCAN)

How to build climate change engagement in the UK after the lockdown
Climate Outreach

Care about equality? You should care about climate change
The Angry Nipple

Discussing your individual choices
Hopeful or fearful for the future?
Your MP's values
The importance of framing
Communicating climate change with the centre-right
Hope for the Future (climate change communication blog series)

Climate change education/research

Centre for Climate Change and Social Transformations (CAST), Cardiff University

Climate Justice module (from MSc Climate Justice)
Centre for Climate Justice, Glasgow Caledonian University

MA Climate Change: History, Culture, Society (Best Thesis Award for 2017/18: 92%)
King's College London

Research consultancy clients

Climate Outreach
Julie's Bicycle

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